photograph of a woman holding a yellow smiley balloon to represent annarray life coaching, consultancy, group workshops, events and performance in Stroud at the edge of the cotswolds, Gloucestershire

Coaching, Group workshops, Events and Performance offered online and in Stroud at the edge of the Cotswolds, Gloucestershire, UK.

Encouraging you to cultivate positive energy & unleash creativity, so you can live your life more joyfully, authentically & unabashed.

This site holds an array of different opportunities led by Anna Rae-Jones a coach, creative catalyst and energy elevator to assist you to:


  • simply be entertained, have some lightness, a laugh and boost your positive energy & happy hormones for the day.

*warning, too much laughter can lead to occasional episodes of bladder weakness in some people.

  • simply get into a state of flow & mindfulness to calm, centre and nurture you.

    *warning you may occasionally lose track of time and miss other appointments, because you’re so caught up in the moment.

Or if you are looking for more and feeling stuck, inauthentic or unhappy with the status quo, then read on….

Do you dream of a life where you are more yourself, doing what you love, being creative & using your talents? Up to now, either other people’s opinions or some of your own perceptions, self limiting beliefs and fear have stopped you from doing what you love. Now is the time to change that!

Anna’s work is all about cultivating positive emotions as a catalyst for change and she is inspired to be a champion for ‘Childing’

Explanation of ‘childing’ in a nutshell:

The word childing is starting to be used in a new way to define: a conscious grown up decision to make a commitment to playfulness and child like wonder as a state of being. You may have heard of the term ‘adulting’ to describe responsible adult life, well childing is a remedy to that.

But so much more too!

What is childing good for?

Childing can be helpful for increasing personal fulfilment, to experience way more frequent moments of joy & enthusiasm, improved well-being, resilience and is for the good of all.

Most of all, childing is a way to remind you to do more of what you love and find ways to positively counteract our innate human negative bias and the serious, what Anna calls, thinky thought head logical approach to life we can fall in to as grown ups!

Anna has a developed a series of resilience, self reflective, creative and positive emotion cultivating practices. You may have heard of people doing ‘re-wilding’, so Anna is calling her work ‘re-childing’.

In an array of ways, Anna invites you to ‘rechild’ yourself lightheartedly, to tap into more positive emotions, your own creativity, natural talents and innate wisdom via the awesome inner kid part of yourself……. A kid who has often been left behind in the serious business of being a grown up and/or has struggled along the way because of difficult experiences in growing up.

When we get busy practicing ‘childing’ to ‘rechild’ ourselves, Anna has found other things in life start to fall into place too. This is because when we are led by being in the moment and in a more positive emotional frame, we can access the intuitive part of ourselves to make better decisions.

Also, cultivating positivity enables like to attract like. If we think and feel more good things, more good things happen. Not only can we feel great, but the world around us will be affected as we radiate the increased positive energy.

If we are following our hearts, doing more of what we love, using our talents, celebrating our individuality and stepping into our power, the balance from negative to positive in our lives is tipped. Then everyone wins.

Love and Positivity spreads!


If you are loving the whole concept of Childing, there are many opportunities to join Anna’s childing community.

  • It could be you want come along to participate in an informative, coaching & mentoring group to learn more about Re-Childing for resilience, intuition and creative expression.

  • Or attend an energising or mindful group, course or event.

  • You could see one of Anna’s uplifting performances.

  • Or hire her to perform & brighten up your event.

  • Maybe you want to commission Anna and/or the GEM creative collective to run workshops or events at your venue or for your group/team?

    Who benefits most from rechilding?

  • Everyone, but in particular Grown ups who feel they have been living a monotone or inauthentic life too long and want to finally show up in glorious technicolour.

  • Individuals, groups and communities who have stressors, pressures and potential well-being issues. Check out Anna’s workshops, events and performances to uplift and boost positive energy and well-being.

  • For leaders who are responsible for meeting their staff/group well-being agendas. Check out Anna’s workshops, events and performances which can help you deliver energising, stress relieving, resilience enhancing and mindfulness rich experiences for those you lead.

Anna offers group coaching & mentoring , group workshops, events and performance.

Annarray dressed as a dancing sumflower in a pot to represent the performance Anna Rae-Jones offers in stroud, Gloucesterhire UK and the surrounding area.




Groups & Events


‘Our deepest fear is not that we are weak. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world’ Nelson Mandela quoting Marianne Williamson

Taking the time to try things out.

Practice Rechilding to feel better, build resilience, find way more everyday joy and get to know yourself on a whole new level.

We are all unique and amazing…. It’s time to show the world!

I have had the privilege of both working with, and being mentored by, Anna Rae-Jones. Anna is an insightful, inspired and loving coach who knows how to get to the heart (in all senses of the word) of the matter at hand. I rely on Anna’s innate wisdom and deep listening to inspire me forward. I love the way she also blends her impressive knowledge of the natural world with her compassion for what makes us human. I recommend Anna and her services wholeheartedly.
— Theresa Sansome. Coach and Facilitator, Future Self Now